A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 14, 2025. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!
1 day ago, Joe Gaylord
No School
The mandatory parent meeting for Drivers' Education will be held Thursday evening in the school cafeteria. The meeting will start at 8:00pm, note that the start time has been adjusted as the MS basketball games were moved from Saturday to Thursday evening with game times of 4/5/6/7. If you have any questions please call the school office.
3 days ago, Joe Gaylord
For families with students enrolled in Driver's Ed this spring, there will be a mandatory Parent Meeting on Thursday, March 13, at 8:00 PM in the school cafeteria. The course fee is $230 which can be paid at the meeting.
4 days ago, Joe Gaylord
Time to unpack those clubs and grab some friends. Scan the QR code below to sign up for the inaugural Lady Husky Golf Scramble on May 3rd.
4 days ago, Kyle Paulson
The final fundraiser of the year for Belt FFA is approaching. With the State FFA Convention coming up soon, their members would greatly appreciate the support!
4 days ago, Kyle Paulson
The Junior Class Prom will be held on March 22nd, with the Grand March beginning at 6:00 pm in the Main Gym. Prom tickets are available for purchase during lunch in the main hallway.
10 days ago, Kyle Paulson
The Lady Huskies will play in the Northern C Divisional semi-final game tonight against Roy/Winifred at 5:30pm at Expo Park in Gt Falls. The game will be broadcast on the NFHS Network as well as KMON 560am.
14 days ago, Joe Gaylord
Kick off your morning with a delicious breakfast burrito! Starting Monday, March 3rd, the Belt Valley FFA will be selling them before school. Grab yours while they last—first come, first served!
16 days ago, Kyle Paulson
The Northern C Divisional tournament will be held in Great Falls at the Expo Center February 26-March 1. The Lady Huskies will kick off their tournament at 4:00pm on Thursday versus Augusta. All-session passes will be on sale in the school office until Thursday at noon. Prices are $35 for adults and $25 for students. Prices at the tournament will be $40 for adults and $30 for students.
18 days ago, Joe Gaylord
A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, 2/21/25. We hope everyone has a safe weekend and gets a chance to get out and enjoy the warmer temperatures!
22 days ago, Joe Gaylord
District 8C Basketball Tournament all-session passes will be on sale in the school office until 10:00am on Wednesday. Adult all-session passes are $30 and student all-session passes are $25. Individual gate admission prices per session are $10 for adults and $8 for students. Brackets can be viewed at the following link: https://www.beltschool.com/article/1386259
24 days ago, Joe Gaylord
District Tournament 2025
Elementary Family Reading Night is tomorrow (2/13) evening from 5:00-6:00 pm. Bring a parent, participate in an activity, eat pizza, and take home a brand new book!
about 1 month ago, Kyle Paulson
Family Reading Night
On February 10th, 4 high school students (Livie King, Gracie Watson, Luke Highfill, and Addee Hoffmann) competed in the Regional Poetry Out Loud competition at the University of Providence. These students were selected from a contest held in the school library on Jan. 15th. Congrats to Gracie Watson for getting selected to compete at the State Competition next month in Helena !
about 1 month ago, Kyle Paulson
The regular season is coming to a close for our Huskies basketball teams with games this weekend at Geyser on Friday and at Winnett on Saturday. Post season brackets are located under the Sports Schedules in the NEWS section on the school website, or you can access the 8C District Tournament bracket at the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Udw7OodAU9-katjxwuGV8HkEa5tsxWsKu_S7dLgYJJ8/edit?usp=sharing
about 1 month ago, Joe Gaylord
The boys JV game will only be 1/2 game today (2/8). Game times will be Girls JV @ 2:30 pm, Boys JV @ 4:00, Girls Varsity @ 5:00 pm, and Boys Varsity @ 6:30 pm.
about 1 month ago, Kyle Paulson
Belt School will be hosting an in-person instructor led FWP Hunters Education Course this upcoming March. Students must register online beginning on Feb. 18th at https://fwp.mt.gov/hunt/education. The class will be limited to 16 students (must be 10 years old by the 1st day of class) and will fill up fast. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
about 1 month ago, Kyle Paulson
hunters ed
The Belt Public Schools is conducting a survey to collect parent, guardian, and community member feedback. We would greatly appreciate the participation of all of those with connections to the Belt School. Please use the following link to access the survey: https://forms.gle/y1wh3VhRT8aR7ZPL7
about 1 month ago, Joe Gaylord
The middle school ski trip scheduled for tomorrow, 2/5/25, has been postponed due to forecasted feel like temperatures being well below zero. We will work to reschedule the trip if possible. If we cannot reschedule, money paid for the trip will be refunded. We apologize for the late change to the schedule. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
about 1 month ago, Joe Gaylord
A reminder of times tonight for home games versus GFCC: Friday, Jan 31 - GFCC @ Belt BJV 3:00/GV 4:30/BV 6:00, Senior Night Between Games & Free Throw Calcutta after games . Please note there is no JV girls' game.
about 1 month ago, Joe Gaylord
- Mon, Jan 27 BB C Games @ Geyser, GC 4:30/BC 6:00 - - Tues, Jan 28 GBB GFHS Freshmen @ Belt, GC 6:00 - -Tues, Jan 28 BBB C/JV @ Simms, BC 5:00/BJV 6:30 - -Thurs, Jan 30 BB @ Fairfield, BJV 4:00/GJV 4:00/BV 5:30/GV 7:00 - - Friday, Jan 31 - GFCC @ Belt BJV 3:00/GV 4:30/BV 6:00, Senior Night Between Games & Free Throw Calcutta after games - - Sat, Feb 1 BB @ Winifred, GJV 2:00/BJV 3:30/GV 5:00/BV 6:30 -
about 2 months ago, Joe Gaylord
Husky BB Jan 25